But at least we aren't looking at this anymore..
This is Rico and although he is small -
he had a BIG voice, piercing to be exact.
I miss that clock cause 1. I could tell what time it was in the middle of the night and 2. I could handle waking up gently to it's music.The cell phone is another matter - you probably know just what I mean. It starts off with a nice little songy tune and ends up blaring by the time someone gets to it to turn it off. Yes it is charging across the room. Wouldn't be so bad if I only had to listen to it at 1 am, but at 3 and 5 and then again at 7 when I have to get up. Really, it's worse than getting up to feed a baby. You might be asking when dear husband has set the alarm to go off every two hours. Well, that is why I know it is COLD. He is running to the greenhouse to put more woo into the stove.
But April is just around the corner and I know that means warmer weather and daffodils and lilacs.