Tuesday, March 15, 2011

love these longer days

I love that it is still light out at 7 pm. Why can't we just stay on daylight savings time forever. Doug and James are putting in extra hours in the greenhouses.

Setting up benches and pulling weeds seem to be the order for thAdd Imagee day.

This morning CK Greenhouses delivered baby plants "plugs" so we will be planted soon.

Planting using plugs is so cool. when I first started working in greenhouses back in 1972, plugs were no even heard of. The greenhouse owner would sow seeds in narrow containers about 8" x 30". My first job there was to transplanted begonia seedlings. See that plug above. It is one plant. In that amount of soil space my boss would sow 2 dozen seeds which translates to 20 plantlets that I was supposed to separate and plant -----and hope they would grow. It was tedious work that I do not miss at all.

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