Monday, March 28, 2011

Some days are just plain boring

Today was one of those days. While being in the greenhouse is really nice when it is cold outside - cleaning out the chimney isn't but it is one of those jobs that just have to be done.
You could say it's a DIRTY JOB.

On other notes - the aquatic plants are really taking off with all the sunny weather we have had. Might not seem like a lot but it's just enough to get the water hyacinths and lettuce producing.

Water lettuce despite it's name in not edible

and for that matter despite what one of our customers tells us, water hyacinth isn't either. Although Green Deane did pick and boil and eat some - he didn't say if tasted well or not.
Some good qualities about these two plants are
1. they aren't hardy to this area - which you will realize is a
good thing once you see how prolific there are in your pond
2. they do a top notch job of cleaning pond water
3. they provide shade and cover for your fish
4. they are pretty - hey.

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