Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring

My beautiful Star Magnolia out performs itself every years. This is an old photo and Maggie is twice that size now and getting ready to dazzle us once again with her striking white flowers. Henny Penny particularly loves to dig around under her branches looking for all sorts of goodies - grubs and bugs and worms - oh yah.

Today, the first day of spring is a gorgeous one. I got to do some of the things I love. After putting a beef stew in the cooker, Tyler and I went for a walk ( he rode ) around the farm. His mom and dad are very busy getting the chicken house ready for our new babies- 25 Buff Orpingtons - the sweetest little ladies ever. I can't wait to hear their little peeping.
Tyler feel asleep in his stroller so he is being "watched" by his parents and I am here. Dinner, laundry and finishing up Tyler's sweater.

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