Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Miss Henny Penny hiding under the blue spruce. I always forget just how old she is but it is well over 6 years probably more like 8 or 9. Of the hundred plus chickens that we have had, she is the only one to survive the coyotes, foxes and neighbors dogs. She and her coop mates used to hop up our outside stairs (1 1/2 flights) to the 2nd floor porch, walk to the edge and jump off. They were the funniest site flapping wildly while plummeting to the ground. Surprisingly, every once in a while she will pop out an egg, a very elongated one.
We first got our hens for their eggs and soon found that we didn't have a problem with Japanese beetles. Which caused the skunks to move away because there wasn't any grubs to feed on. Of course, that might be just a coincident.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Chopping Wood

Sometimes this is how we get our wood to use in the greenhouse stove but most times we try to be "green" in the ways we get our burning supply. We gather old pallets from local businesses that we chop up into stove size pieces and we never pass up wood that has been put out to the curb either. Trying to conserve not only our natural resources and save money can be a bit of a challenge but the end result is worth it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The final project. Battened down and sealed up ready for a crop of hanging baskets.
Attaching the plastic to the outside end.
This is where all the family members come in handy. It is also where we do not want any wind to come up. James and Kate work to pull the plastic along the ridge while Joshua and Doug nudge it along.
Joshua is slowly unfolding the plastic edge while James is doing the cutting.

How to Cover a Greenhouse

Arriving at the end with success but now the fun really begins.
The plastic once it is centered along the top ridge is slowly maneuvered to the opposite end.

Joshua is quite adept at scaling the purlins and eaves.
During a late spring snow storm our biggest greenhouse collapse from the weight of the snow. It took several years before we decided to recover the house.
First you pick a sunny day that has no chance of wind. Next you gather all your family members to help in the project.